Natural bridge, Caverns of Luray.

Grand entrance, Caverns of Luray.

Stalagtites, Caverns of Luray.

Hanging rock, Caverns of Luray.

Twin lakes, Caverns of Luray.

Hanging rock, Caverns of Luray.

Hanging rock, Caverns of Luray.

Hanging rock, Caverns of Luray.

Hanging rock, Caverns of Luray.

Brand's cascade, Caverns of Luray.

Brand's cascade, Caverns of Luray.

Proserpine's pillar, Caverns of Luray.

Oberon's grotto, Caverns of Luray.

Titania's veil, Caverns of Luray.

Titania's veil, Caverns of Luray.

Throne in Cathedral, Caverns of Luray.

Organ room, Caverns of Luray.

Organ room, Caverns of Luray.

Pocahontas pleading for life of John Smith, enacted by the survivors of the Pamunkey Indian tribe at the Jamestown Exposition.

John Smith trading with the Indians. Group of the Smithonian Exhibit, Jamestown Exposition.

Some of the great war ships in Hampton Roads for the Jamestown exposition. Opening day, April 26, 1907.

President Roosevelt on his arrival at the exposition grounds, accompanied by President Tucker of the Exposition Company and members of the Presidential Party, April 26, 1907.

Panorama of the Lee Parade Grounds, which covers 30 acres, Jamestown Exposition.

Military parade passing the Palace of Liberal Arts. Opening day at the Jamestown Exposition, April 26, 1907.

Ruins of Jamestown, Va.

Ruins of church, Jamestown, Va.

Church yard, Jamestown, Va.

Church yard, Jamestown, Va.

Church yard, Jamestown, Va.

Church yard, Jamestown, Va.