Mt. Vernon mansion, west, or original front.

Mt. Vernon mansion.

Mt. Vernon mansion, west, or original front.

Mt. Vernon mansion, east, or river front.

Mt. Vernon mansion, east, or river front.

Mt. Vernon mansion, east, or river front.

Mt. Vernon mansion, east, or river front.

Butler's House.

South gate entrance to flower garden and conservatory, Mt. Vernon.

The "Washington Oak."

Old brick barn.

Old brick barn.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

View of roadway leading to the boat house, from the tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon.

Mt. Vernon boat house, and roadway leading to the tomb of Washington.

Tomb of America's greatest citizen, Washington, at Mount Vernon.

Tomb of America's greatest citizen, Washington, at Mount Vernon.

Mount Vernon. The Mansion. This was the home of Washington.

The sacred shrine of America: the tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon, Virginia, U.S.A.

Washington's tomb, Mount Vernon.