Twenty-six horse combined harvester at work, reaping, threshing and sacking, Wash., U.S.A.
Publisher: White, H.C. & Co.
Subjects: Washington (State), Wheat, Combines (Agricultural machinery), Horse teams Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Building a great log raft, putting a 125 ft. long log into the cradle, Wash., U.S.A.
Publisher: White, H.C. & Co.
Subjects: Washington (State), Log rafts, Log transportation Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Brailling, taking salmon from the trap for the great canneries, Puget Sound, Washington.
Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Washington (State), Salmon, Fishing industry Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Glittering summit of Mt. Tacoma [Rainier](12,526 ft.) towering above the road to Paradise Park, Wash. |
Falls of the Spokane River, Spokane, Washington. |
Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of the sickle and flail, 33 horse team combined harvester, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of the sickle and flail, 33 horse team combined harvester, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of the sickle and flail, 33 horse team combined harvester, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of the sickle and flail, 33 horse team combined harvester, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Evolution of the sickle and flail, 33-horse team combined harvester, Walla Walla, Washington. |
Scene in Couer d'Alene Park (Spokane, Wash.)
Photographer: Rominger, J.T.
Subjects: Washington (State), Parks, Automobiles, Spokane (Wash.) Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Logging in the state of Washington.
Photographer: American Stereoscopic Company
Distributor: Quaker Oats Company Subjects: Washington (State), Lumber industry, Ox teams, Skid roads Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Logging in the state of Washington.
Publisher: American Stereoscopic Co.
Distributor: Quaker Oats Company Subjects: Washington (State), Lumber industry, Ox teams, Skid roads Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Post office at Riverside, Washington Terr. |
Unloading logs, Puget Sound, Washington. |
Felling cedar 20 ft. from ground.
Photographer: Kinsey, Darius (1869-1945)
Subjects: Washington (State), Lumber industry, Loggers, Cedar trees Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Snoqualmie Falls, Columbia River, Oregon [sic], U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Photographer: Singley, B.L. (Benjamin Lloyd) Subjects: Washington (State), Waterfalls Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
The Minnesota dog team on transcontinental trip, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Photographer: Singley, B.L. (Benjamin Lloyd) Subjects: Washington (State), Streets, Seattle (Wash.), Dog teams Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Harvesting in the great West, combined reaper and thresher, Washington, U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Photographer: Singley, B.L. (Benjamin Lloyd) Subjects: Washington (State), Wheat, Combines (Agricultural machinery), Horse teams Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Harvesting in the great West, combined reaper and thresher, Washington, U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Subjects: Washington (State), Wheat, Combines (Agricultural machinery), Horse teams Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Harvesting in the great West, combined reaper and thresher, Washington, U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Subjects: Washington (State), Wheat, Combines (Agricultural machinery), Horse teams Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Harvesting in the great West, combined reaper and thresher, Washington, U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Photographer: Singley, B.L. (Benjamin Lloyd) Subjects: Washington (State), Wheat, Combines (Agricultural machinery), Horse teams Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Acres and acres of wheat, harvesting in the state of Washington, U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Subjects: Washington (State), Wheat, Combines (Agricultural machinery), Horse teams Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
A live badger captured near Lind, Wash.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Subjects: Washington (State), Badgers Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
In the lumber regions of Washington, a walking dudley.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Photographer: Singley, B.L. (Benjamin Lloyd) Subjects: Washington (State), Lumber industry, Logs, Donkey engines Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |
Port Blakely Mills, largest in the world, near Seattle, Puget Sound, Washington, U.S.A.
Publisher: Keystone View Co.
Photographer: Singley, B.L. (Benjamin Lloyd) Subjects: Washington (State), Lumber industry, Sawmills, Port Blakely (Wash.) Collection: NYPL Digital Collections: Robert N. Dennis [From The New York Public Library] |