Miss Canda's Monument [Greenwood Cemetery]

Miss Canda's Monument at Greenwood, N.Y.

Greenwood Cemetery, New-York

Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn

Greenwood Cemetery [New York]

Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn

[Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York City, N.Y.]

Greenwood Cemetery, receiving tomb

Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn

Young chess players, Saratoga [New York]

Indian Princess

The dog performance, Saratoga [New York]

In front of Union Hall, Saratoga, [New York]

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

On the Hudson

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

Entrance to the Greenwood Cemetery, N.Y.

Greenwood Cemetery, Miss Canada's [i.e. Canda's] Monument

Pleasure railway [Saratoga]

Pleasure railway, Saratoga

Group in the woods, Saratoga [New York]

In the woods, Saratoga [New York]

Group at Saratoga [New York]

Passing catrages [i.e. cartridges]

Empire & Congress Spring

Congress Spring, Saratoga [New York]

Group on the porch [Saratoga]

View at Saratoga [New York]

Front of a hotel, Saratoga [New York]