Natural history building.

Music hall organ, Boston.

Great organ, Boston music hall.

Group of men around a table at M.I.T.

Institute of Technology, Boston.

Mass. Inst. Technology.

Horticultural building.

Horticultural building, Boston.

Institute of Technology, Interior, corner Boylston & Berkley St.

Natural History building--Boston.

High and Latin School house, Bedford St.

Boston Museum.

Boston Musuem.

Boston Museum.

Horticultural building.

Horticultural building.

Public Library.

Public Library.

Horticultural Hall, Boston.

Horticultural Hall, Boston.

DeVries Art Establishment, front entrance.

Caroline S. Brooks and her sculpture in butter during a public exhibition at Armory Hall in 1877.

Interior of Milmore's studio, showing design of soldier's monument for the city of Roxbury.

Boston Atheneum.

Public library building, Boston.

Boston Atheneum.

Natural History Museum.

Natural History Museum, Boston.

Stereotype room, Herald building.

Boston Herald composing room.