Echo Lake, White Mountains.

Echo Lake, Franconia, White Mountains.

Echo Lake, White Mountains.

Eagle Cliff, Franconia.

Eagle Cliff, White Mountains.

Eagle Cliff, White Mountains.

White Mountain view. [The Flume.]

The Flume, Franconia, N.H.

The Flume, White Mountains.

Cascades above the Flume, White Mountains.

Echo Lake.

Echo Lake.

The Pool, Franconia Mountains, N.H.

The Flume, near View of Hanging Boulder, Franconia Mountains, N.H.

The Flume, near View of Susp. Boulders, Fran. Mts. N.H.

The Flume, near View of Hanging Boulder, Franconia Mts.

The Flume, near View of Hanging Boulder, Franconia Mts.

The Basin, Franconia, New Hampshire.

The Basin, Franconia, N.H.

The Pool, Franconia Notch, N.H.

Old Man of the Mountain, Franconia Mts. N.H.

Cascade in the Flume, Dixville Notch, N.H.

Cascade in the Flume, Dixville Notch, N.H.

Flume, Dixville Notch, N.H.

Rocky Gorge, Berlin, White Mountains, N.H.

Dewey's Point from Eagle beach, Shoshone.

Leaning Tower, Williams Canon.

Pillar of Jupiter, Williams Cañon.

Temple of Isis, Williams Canon.

Williams Canyon - the narrows.