P.T. Barnum's parlors, Bridgeport, Conn.

P.T. Barnum's parlors

[Interior view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

Santa Claus

New Years morning, preparing to call

New Year's morning, preparing to call

New Years calls, the close

[Drawing room, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

View in a conservatory

Miss Flora McFlimsey of Madison Square

Miss Flora McFlimsey of Madison Square

Miss Flora McFlimsey of Madison Square

Taking a smile

Taking a smile

Scene at the opera

The lorgnette

The conscript

Scene at the opera

Fixing her garter

The Conscript

The jealous husband

The jealous husband

War news

Christmas stories

Dressing for a promenade

Dressing for a promenade

New Year's evening, the finale

The curiosity shop, Niagara

The American Falls, from the Museum, Canada

Niagara. Looking down the stream