View from W.U. Telegraph Building, N.Y.
View from W.U. Telegraph Building.
New York, from East River Bridge.
Panorama of New York City.
View N.W. from from N.Y. Bridge Tower.
Lake Erie.
Instantaneous Lake Erie.
Tug and vessel in the ice, May 1869.
Vessel released from fifteen days in the ice, Buffalo, May 12, 1867.
Vessels loading coal at the Docks of the Delaware and Hudson Cana, Rondout Creek.
Passengers and sailors aboard The Mohawk.
Lifeboats stored on deck of The Mohawk.
Cowls atop The Mohawk.
View aboard The Mohawk.
Passengers enjoying the view aboard The Mohawk.
View of the Atlantic Ocean, from Long Branch.
ong Branch Beach.
Steamer Rusland.
Steamer Amerique.
Long Branch, N.J. [View of the Atlantic Ocean.]
The "Inlet" at Atlantic City.
View at the Beach.
Atlantic Ocean.
Atlantic Ocean. Sailboats in view.
Atlantic Ocean.
Bay of Marquette, Lake Superior.
Ore docks, Bay of Marquette, Lake Superior.
Ore docks, Bay of Marquette, Lake Superior.
Peshtigo Cor. dock on Green Bay.
Peshtigo Cor. dock on Green Bay.