Woods, Darien Harbor.

Darien Harbor.

Limon River at the Napipi Trail.

Limon River, at the falls.

Cascade, Limon River.

Limon River below the falls.

Limon River.

Limon River near the beach.

Limon River at the beach.

Cascade, Limon River.

Cliffs, Limon Bay.

Cliffs, Limon Bay.

Cave, Limon Bay.

Pinogana, Tuyra River.

Photographer at Pinogana.

The Nu-a-gun-tits, a tribe of Indians living at the Ve-gas, or meadows, in southwestern Nevada : Ta-noats, subchief of the Nu-a-gun-tits.

U-ai nu-ints, a tribe of Indians living on the Rio Virgen, a tributary of the Colorado in Southern Utah : Mon-su and Su-vu-it.

Eroded rocks, Monument Park.

Eroded rocks, Monument Park.

Red Room, President's Mansion.

Blue Room, White House.

Green Room. President' House.

The Red Room in the President's House.

The Red Room in the President's House.

Blue Room in the White House.

The Blue Room in the President's House.

East Room of the White House.

The Great East Room in the President's House.

The Great East Room.

The Great East Room.