White Lake Mansion House.

Monticello House, Monticello, N.Y.

Residence in Monticello, N.Y.

Court House, Monticello, N.Y.

Mr. [Nivens?] residence, Monticello, N.Y.

Exchange Hotel, Monticello, New York.

Spring? and Benedict's Stores, Monticello, N.Y.

Monticello, N.Y. [Large residence and farm land.]

Monticello, N.Y. [Mansion House, Monticello.]

Monticello, N.Y. [Mansion House, Monticello.]

View of a Church, Lockport, N.Y.

Canal locks, Lockport, N.Y.


Main Street, looking east.

Governor Washington Hunt monument, Glenwood Cemetery, Lockport, N.Y.

View of a canal boat, Lockport, N.Y.

View of locks, Lockport, N.Y.

View of a decorated church interior.

Church interior, Lockport, N.Y.

Church interior, Lockport, N.Y.

Whip Factory, Lockport, N.Y.

Street view, Lockport, N.Y.

Main Street.

iew of a church, Lockport, N.Y.

Horse and carriage on snowy street in front of large building, Lockport, N.Y.

Locks at Lockport.

Railroad bridge over the Erie Canal.

Canal bridge. [Railroad bridge over the Erie Canal.]

View from the head of the locks looking down, Lockport.

View from the head of the locks looking down, Lockport.