No. 424, Looking down Penn. Av. from Treasury Building, Washington, D.C.

Camp of the 31st Penn. at Queens Farms, Va. Fort Slocum in the distance

Rebel ram Stonewall,

Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., Capitol in distance

U.S. Monitor MI-AN-TI-NO-MAH


View on battle field of Antietam where Sumner's Corps charged the enemy. Scene of terrific conflict

Burnside Bridge, eastern view

Laid out for burial at Antietam

Dunkers (i.e. Dunker) Church, battle field of Antietam. After battle, how dead were laid out

Bridge on the Boonsboro Pike, Antietam, Md.

[Grand review of the great veteran armies of Grant and Sherman at Washington, on the 23rd and 24th May, 1865]

Burnside Bridge, from the south-east

Tunker (i. e. Dunker) Church, on battle field of Antietam

Antietam Bridge, on Sharpsburgh and Boonsboro Turnkpike

View on battle field of Antietam where Sumner's corps charged the enemy. Scene of terrific conflict

"Back to home land!" removing casket of American unknown soldier from the Olympia, Washington, D.C.

Disarmament conference in session, Continental Hall of D.A.R., Washington, Nov. 21, 1921

Sousa's famous Marine Band playing on south steps of Treasury Building, Washington, D.C.

President Wilson addressing Congress on questions of international peace and imminent danger of war with Germany

The splendid crusaders' chapel over the tomb of St. George, Lydda, Palestine

Church of St. George at Lydda , the "Lod" of the Bible, Palestine

D. Appleton & Co., stereoscopic views and implements

Congressional Library (in the U.S. Capitol)

Lincoln's country seat

[Botanical Gardens, Washington, D.C.]

Gathered together for burial after the Battle of Antietam

Sioux Falls, Dacota

Just men, but mighty important ones! The "Big Nine" at World Disarmament Conference, Washington, D.C., 1921

White House, Rear View

Subjects: White House, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)