West Point Cadets, N.Y. Centennial, New York.

Alexandria Firemen, N.Y. Centennial. U. S. A.

The Volunteer Firemen, Columbus Celebration, New York, U. S. A.

They saved our Union; the Brave G.A.R., Columbus Celebration, New York, U. S. A.

Twenty-second Regiment, N.Y., U. S. A.

Firemen's Parade on Labor Day, Broadway, New York.

Firemen's Parade on Labor Day, Broadway, New York.

Admiral Dewey in New York. 23rd Reg't. N.G.N.Y. on Fifth Avenue.

Victory sounds her trumpet, Great Naval Arch erected in honor of Admiral Geo. Dewey, Hero of Manila, New York.

Our Pennsylvania Boys as they appeared in the Great Dewey Parade, New York.

Washington Street, showing Knights Templars Parade, '95.

New York Firemen, Great Centennial.

The Hook and Ladder Boys, Great Centennial.

The Old Time Firemen, Great Centennial.

Veteran Fireman, Great Centennial Parade, 1889.

Columbus discovered America, Washington gave her Liberty.

The Artillery, Regular Army, Centennial, 1889.

Washingtons' Carriage of State, Great Centennial Parade, 1889.

White House on Wheels, Centennial Day, 1889.

The Army of Breadmakers coming, Great Centennial, 1889.

The Merry Highlanders, Great Centennial, 1889.

The Marines, U.S.N. Great Centennial, 1889.

Naval Parade, Centennial, April 28th, 1889.

Grand Review, Decoration Day, New York, U.S.A.

Grand Review, Decoration Day, New York, U.S.A.

Grand Review, Decoration Day, New York, U.S.A.

Columbian Celebration, New York, Oct. 10, '92. Gilmour's Band.

Fine instantaneous Views of the Grand Masonic Parade, June 24, 1875.

Looking up 5th Avenue from 23rd Street.

Looking up 5th Avenue from 23rd Street.