St. John's Church. c. 1867, destroyed 1918.

St. John's M.E. Church, 41st. N.Y.

Dr. Tyng's Church, New York.

The Rectory, with south-west corner of the Church.

Interior view of the North Side, with the Chancel, from the N.W. cor. of South Tower.

St. Thomas Church.

St. George's Church, (Stuyvesant Sq.)

St. George's [Church.]

Dr. Hutton's Church on Second Avenue.

Dr. Hutton's Church, University Place.

Dr. Hutton's Church, University Place.

Interior, St. Francis Xavior's Church.

Interior of a church.

South Dutch Reformed, cor. 5th Ave. & 21st St.

Presbyterian Church.

M. E. Church, 7th Street near Hall Place, N.Y.

M. E. Church, 7th St. near Hall Place, N.Y.

Interior of Reformed Church -- 57th St. and Lexington Av.

Mariner's Church, Madison St. N.Y.

The Jewish Synagogue, 5th Av. and 43d St.

The Jewish Synagogue, Fifth Avenue and 43rd St.

Grace Church Rectory, New York.

Grace Church, Broadway and 10th St.

Grace Church, Broadway and 10th St.

Grace Church, Broadway.

Grace Church and Stewart's Store.

Grace Church, Broadway.

A.T. Stewart's Store and Grace Church. -- New York City.

A.T. Stewart's Store and Grace Church. -- New York City.

Dr. Tyng's Church -- New York.