Volcanic rocks, Grass Valley.

Mt. Baldy, near Beaver.

Kanab Cañon.

Kanab Cañon.

Camp life, Arizona.

Party group at Prescott.

View across the crater of San Francisco mt.

San Francisco Mt. from its base

Head of Black Cañon, Colorado River.

[Man with a rifle stands by the donkey facing right.]

[Man and a horse standing.]

Camp below Painted Cañon.

Camp Big Horn, Black Cañon.

Black Cañon, above camp 7

Grand Cañon, from opposite Diamond Creek.

Grand Cañon wall, opposite Diamond Creek.

View of Grand Cañon walls, near mouth of Diamond River.

Types of Mojave Indians.

Mohave Indians; Panambona and Mitiwara.

Grand Cañon, above Grotto Spring.

Halt below mouth of Painted Cañon, Colorado River.

Mountain transportation. Pack mule, pack and packers.

Boat crew of the "Trilobite" at Diamond Creek.

Boat crew of the "Picture" at Diamond Creek

Camp at crossing of the Colorado

Maiman, a Mohave Indian.

Nee-chi-qua-ra, a Mohave Indian.

Foot of Grand Cañon, from below.

Melon cactus.

Boat party leaving Camp Mojave, a.t.