Troop K, 10th U.S. Cavalry on the march [on horseback], Chickamauga Park, Ga.

The 8th Ohio boys ready to leave Camp Alger for Cuba

The "President's own" (8th Ohio), Camp Alger, Va.

Camp Alger, Va., an Army barber shop

Camp Alger, Va., colored troops in skirmish dri[ll]

Klondikers climbing the "Golden Stair" and "Peterson's" Trail, Chilcoot Pass, Alaska

On Dyea Trail, Alaska

Camp Alger, Va.: Colored soldiers at dinner

"Away Down South in Dixie." Chickamauga Park, Ga.

Bouncing a new recruit

Dock at Tampa on the day of sailing for Santiago de Cuba

Fourth Artillery, Light Battery, U.S.A., Camp Tampa, Florida

"Yaller gals" seeing Colored boys off, Tampa, Fla.

Colored troops preparing to start for Santiago

Ninth U.S. Cavalry: Dismount!

Ninth U.S. Cavalry: Troop A - famous Indian fighters [on horseback]

The gallant 25th (Colored troops) preparing to embark for Cuba

Some of our brave soldier boys - wounded at Santiago, Key West Hospital, Fla.

"Depot Quartermaster's" U.S. Army and transportation trains, Santiago, Cuba

Cubans in their trenches - awaiting the Spaniards - Pinar del Rio, Cuba

Aboard the transport at Newport News - awaiting orders for Porto [sic] Rico

Troop A, Ninth U.S. Cavalry - famous Indian fighters

The embarkation of Spanish troops, Santiago Harbor, Cuba

Battle of Manila, May 1, 1898 - How Dewey did it

Burying the dead sailors of the MAINE at Key West, Fla.

American and Spanish soldiers, in front of the Captain-General's Palace, Havana, Jan. 1st, 1899

Writing a letter home

Col. Hard and staff, 8th Ohio Vols.--on pier N.Y.--sailing day for Santiago

Battery A, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.

Gen. [Fitzhugh] Lee's army entering Havana, Cuba, Jan. 1, 1899