In the heart of Coney Island, New York

The Hot Dog Man opposite Luna Park entrance, Coney Island, New York

In Leoney Islands well known Bowery New York

Brillant Luna Park at night -- Coney Island, New York

The elephant now goes round -- Coney Island, New York

Electric Display as Luna Park -- Coney Island, New York

Coney Island, New York

Woolworth Building, for many years the Tallest Building in the World

Highest Office Building in the World - 750 ft - Woolworth Bldg. from across City Hall Park - New York City

The World Building and City Hall - New York City

The World and Tribune Buildings, Newspaper Row, Eastward front City Hall the and World Building

Dreamland showing boat returning to city, shoot the Chutes, Circus Rings; Fire City

Trapeze Performers, Dreamland, Coney Island, N.Y.

Looking over Dreamland from the top of the Shoot the Chutes, Coney Island, N.Y.

Shooting the Chutes, Dreamland, Coney Island, N.Y.

The smallest Locomotive and Train that carries passengers -- Dreamland, Coney Island, N.Y.

The Tombs - New York

U.S. Treasury - New York

U.S. Treasury - New York

U.S. Treasury Building - New York

The Cathedral of Commerce -- Woolworth Building product of five and ten cent pieces

The Cathedral of Commerce -- Woolworth Building product of five and ten cent pieces

Woolworth Building from the 25th floor of the Municipal Building -- New York City

Interior of the Tombs - New York

Erecting the 23-story steel election for new Times Bldg from 42nd St. N. up Broadway - New York

Forty-second St., and new Times Building - New York

Workmen risking their lives 27 stories above ground - the new Times Building - New York

The Tombs and Law Courts - New York

Bridge of Sighs between Tombs Prison and Court Houses - New York

Tombs Prison - New York