Street and Negro quarters, Retreat Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.
Congressional Library (in the U.S. Capitol)
Lincoln's country seat
[Botanical Gardens, Washington, D.C.]
Haines' Falls
Ruins of Table Rock
[Interior showing a dining table set with silver and crystal]
Lincoln Monument, Union Square, Decoration Day, 1876
Rear piazza, Grand Union Hotel, Saratoga, N. Y.
U.S. Senator G. R. Dennis home, Maryland
Palatka, Putnam Co., Fla., Friday, Feby 21, 1879
Military Plaza, San Antonio, Texas
Savannah, GA.
Main Street, looking north from Warren Observatory
Cotton field, Retreat Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.
Hospital no. 7, Beaufort, S.C., during Civil War
Teacher's home
Chateau, O'Brien
Views of the ruins in Portland
Larges(?) Saw Mill, Cuttelossa Valley
Mr. McCrary's cottage
[Trempealeau, Wisconsin]
Falls of Minne-ha-ha and rustic bridge
C. & C. Suspension Bridge over the Ohio River
[Greely meeting, St. Charles, Ill.]
Holyoke Silver Lead Mine, Marquette, Mi.
Notre Dame, N. Orleans
The Centennial. General view from George's Hill showing camp of West Point cadets
Nevada Falls, 700 feet high
16th Street, Denver