A British "Archie" in action, note range finders

A British 9.2-in. Howitzer under camouflage

Feeding "Grannie," shell hoisted into position

British Red Cross ambulance in French service, northern France

Taking away the wounded in motor ambulance (Somme)

French field hospital, locating bullet with X-ray machine

Ghastly glimpse of wounded Belgians in hospital, Antwerp, Belgium

French convalescents, nicknames "The Cripples," about to return to the Front

Allied soldiers binding up the wounds of their prisoners after the battle

Sacrificed on altar of German militarism, arrival of dead at military cemetery, Villers au Bois, France

Internment of the fallen brave in the cemetery at Villers au Bois, France

Sanitary work of the battle line, disinfecting the ruins with patent spray

Section of many miles of French field kitchens

Sharpshooters in protected position near enemy lines

In a French trench, sandbag protected, showing dart bombs

French soldiers resting in the trenches

Red Cross "dog encampment" behind the lines in the French sector

The dog of war, reporting to first aid squad with helmet of wounded soldier

The dog of war, reporting to first aid squad with helmet of wounded soldier

Picking up the severely wounded from among the dead, battlefield scene, France

Rendering first aid to the wounded in the French trenches

Bringing in wounded on French front after Battle Ablain St. Nazaire

Bringing in the wounded "on stretchers stiff and bleared with blood"

"Mur Tschoffen." Wall in Dinant before which Germans shot many loyal Belgians

French artillery in the village of Perthes les Hurlus

Dugouts and shelters, cantonment on the race course at Flirey, France

At mass in the Allied trenches on the western front

Alincourt, France, German ammunition camp destroyed by Allied airmen

German ammunition depot, after visit of French airmen, Alincourt, Ardennes, France

Supplies left by the Germans in their retreat from Soupier, Aisne, France