Panoramic view, the ruins of Charleston, S.C., Roman Catholic Cathedral in the distance

House where the Union officers were confined under fire, Broad St., Charleston, S.C.

View on the Battery, Charleston, S.C. Remains of the large Blakely gun, burst by the rebels before the evacuation

Wreck of the large Blakely Gun, on the Battery, Charleston, S.C.

Ruins of the North Eastern R. R. Depot, where so many lives were lost by explosion, Charleston, S.C.

Club House at the race course, where the Union Officers were confined, Charleston, S.C.

O'Connor House, where the Union Officers were imprisoned, under fire, on Broad St. near the Ashley Road, Charleston, S.C.

View in central church-yard, showing the effect of shot among the monuments, Charleston, S.C.

Grave of John C. Calhoun, in front of St. Philip's church, Charleston, S.C.

The ruins of the 600 lb. Blakely Gun, Frazier's Wharf, Charleston, S.C., exploded by the rebels at the time of the evacuation

South Battery, Charleston, S.C., looking N.E. Ruins of Blakely Gun in the foreground

The smoke stack of the rebel ram Virginia at the Rocketts, Richmond, Va., showing the effects from shot and shell, after the return from her raid down the river

Slave pen, Alexandria, Va.

View on Meeting St., Charleston, S.C., looking south, showing St. Michael's church, the Mills House, ruins of Central Church and Theatre in ruins in the foreground

Ruins of Circular Church, St. Philips Church in the distance, ruins of Secession Hall on the right of the picture, on Meeting Street, Charleston, S.C.

Ruins of the Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C. Front view

Ruins of the Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C. Front view

Ruins of the Catholic Cathedral, Charleston, S.C. Rear view

Ruins of Central and Secession Hall, and St. Philips church in the centre of the picture, Charleston, S.C.

View of Richmond Va., at the close of the rebellion

View of Richmond Va., at the close of the rebellion

Old "Libby Prison" building, Richmond, Va.

Panoramic view of Richmond in ruins

Libby Prison, north side, Richmond, Va.

Washington monument, in the Capitol grounds, Richmond, Va. The statues around the centre base are those of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson & Mason

Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around

Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around

View from the Petersburgh [i.e. Petersburg] railroad Depot, Richmond, Va., looking south-west, showing a portion of the burnt district, and Gamble Hill in the distance

Ruins of the burnt district, from the canal basin, Richmond, Va., looking east

View in the arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing all kinds of fixed ammunition, and a portion of the Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg) Railroad Bridge