[USS Casco on the James River, Virginia]

U.S.S. Dacotah

Monitor Dictator

On board the Constitution

Battery Rodgers, about 1/2 mile south of Alexandria, overlooking the Potomac

Camp of 49th PA Reg't, Divine services

View in Fort Moultrie, 1861 [i.e. 1860]

View no. 4, Sumter Gateway and ruins of Major Anderson's quarters on the right, and Captain Foster's on the left; showing also the arrangement of one of the four Columbiads for throwing shells on Morris Island.

[Fort Sumter interior showing ruins of officer's quarters and entrance to the fort behind damaged flag staff]

Charleston Battery, no. 8

Charleston Hotel

"Charleston Hotel"

Conn. & Mass. volunteers in sand bag battery

Ben Butler, Maj Gen'l (i.e. Major General)

Gen. Hancock


Sumter after bombardment

[Fort Sumter parapet with dismounted gun damaged by Confederate fire]

Sumter interior

[Fort Sumter war damaged exteror entrance after bombardment]

[Fort Sumter interior with flag staff after the bombardment]

[Guns on the parapet at Fort Sumter]

View no. 5, Sumter Continuation of ruins of officer's quarters on the right of the gateway.

Charleston Battery, no. 7

Moultrie gun bearing on Sumter

Circular Church and Secession Hall, Charleston

Plantation no. 7 Rockville Plantation Negro church, Charleston, S.C.

Ruin of Circular Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. Carolina

Southern artillery militia, Charleston

Goose Creek, no. 1 St. James Church, Goose Creek, built 1708-1719.