Pres. Roosevelt, Dr. Chapman & Mr. Stewart of the President's hunting party on the road to Glenwood - coming in from the camp

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P. B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

Cheering Governor Roosevelt, Dewey Celebration, New York

Gov. Roosevelt, Col. of the famous "Rough Riders" in Dewey Parade, N.Y.

President Roosevelt and party after nine hours ride through rain and mud, Rocky Mts., Col.

The bronzed President, after three weeks exposure to wind and storm in mountains of Colorado

In the shadow of the Rockies - President Roosevelt ready to return to the cares of State, Glenwood Springs, Col.

Roosevelt, the great American of to-day in roughing costume ready for the trail - West Divide, Colorado

President Roosevelt's vacation trip - the return from the bear hunt, nearing Glenwood, Col., U.S.A.

President Roosevelt speaking from his train at Colorado Springs, Col.

The return from the bear hunt, - President Roosevelt and party on road from Newcastle, Col.

President Roosevelt, his companions and guides starting on the great bear hunt

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P.B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P.B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

President Roosevelt and party starting into the mountains - for the great bear hunt - Colorado

The modern Arab and his steed

Troop A, Ninth U.S. Cavalry - famous Indian fighters

Group Indian guides and interpreters on horseback.

Glittering summit of Mt. Tacoma [Rainier](12,526 ft.) towering above the road to Paradise Park, Wash.

Mexican Cabellero.

Texas Boy.

Girl on horseback in front of house.

Girl on horseback in front of house.

Girl on horseback in front of house.

Girl on horseback in the beach.

Girl on horseback in the beach.

Girl on horseback in the beach.