The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
The Iron Bridge and ruins of Old Mill, near Spence Creek, Huntington Co.
View at Howard's siding.
Cutting up salmon.
Waltonian Club, Waltonian Isle, Lake George.
Waltonian Club, Waltonian Isle, Lake George.
Looking up the Hudson River, from Base of Bull Hill.
Looking up the Hudson River, from West Point.
Break-Neck, from near Bull Hill, Hudson River.
Break Neck, from near Bull Hill.
Falls of Melsingah, Fishkill, on the Hudson.
View on the Hudson River.
The Giants of the Lake.
Fisherville, from J.P. Sander's Street.
View of Fisherville, N.H.
Trout Farm, Meridith, N.H.
Trout Farm, Meridith, N.H.
A favorite hole, Brule Riv.
Fishing at white water rapids.
Where we catch them.
Fish Cave Rocks showing fishing party, Marquette Bay.
Indian camping ground at Huron Mountain, fish drying on poles.
Indian camp.
Man on stump fishing at Lake Averic.
Drying codfish in the sun--Gloucester and harbor in the distance, Mass., U.S.A.
Preparing codfish for the market, Gloucester, Mass.
Preparing codfish for the market, Gloucester, Mass.
Washing fish.