Rapids above the falls, American side.

The suspension bridge.

The Horse Shoe Falls.

Horse Shoe Rapids.

Great Ice Bridge, American Falls.

The Great Ice Bridge.

Entrance to suspension bridge.

Entrance of the suspension bridge.

The American Falls.

Down the river from the falls.

View of Terrapin Tower and falls.

View of falls from below.

Ice grove, Luna Island.

Niagara, from Point View.

Bridge between islands, winter.

Suspension bridge, river and falls in the distance.

The suspension bridge.

The suspension bridge.

Part of Horse Shoe Falls. Instantaneous.

Horse Shoe Falls, from Ferry Landing.

Horse Shoe Falls, from Ferry Landing.

General view of Niagara and vicinity.

The Horse Shoe Falls.

Horse Shoe Falls.

The Horse S. Falls, from Goat Island.

Table Rock and part of Horse Shoe Falls.

Table Rock.

Niagara River. The rapids.

Niagara Falls.

Horse Shoe Fall, Niagara.