Horse Shoe Falls, Niagara.

Terrapin Tower and Horse Shoe Falls.

Niagara Falls, taken from the ferry.

Horse Shoe Falls, taken [from] below.

View of Suspension Bridge from town, Niagara.

Niagara in winter.

Niagara in winter.

Niagara in winter.

Niagara Falls. New Suspension Bridge.

Niagara Falls. Prospect Point.

Niagara Falls. [Man boating on the river at sunset.]

Niagara Falls. Table Rock, winter.

Niagara. [View down the railroad tracks, Suspension Bridge.]

Niagara Falls and Terrapin Tower.

Horse Shoe or American Fall, from Canadian side with Terrapin Tower.

Niagara. [View of icicles from inside a cave.]

Under Niagara Falls.

The falls from Prospect Point, Niagara Falls.

Winter scene at Niagara Falls. [Ice bridge.]

Suspension Bridge, falls in the distance.

Table Rock, with part of Horse Shoe Fall, Canada side.

The Horse Shoe Fall and Prospect Tower, from Goat Island. [Hand-colored view.]

The Horse Shoe Fall and Prospect Tower, from Goat Island. [Hand-colored view.]

The Horse Shoe Fall and Prospect Tower, from Goat Island. [Hand-colored view.]

The Horse Shoe Fall and Prospect Tower, from Goat Island.

The falls, from Point View. [Niagara.]

Niagara, the falls by moonlight.

Niagara, railway suspension bridge, 800 ft. long.

Niagara Falls.

Horse Shoe Falls, Niagara, N.Y.