Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. 7th Regiment going down

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. A good view

[Spanish frigate Berenguela, docked at the Battery, New York City, New York]

[Great Eastern Steamship, docked at harbor, New York City, N.Y.]

The Great Eastern. From the foot of Hammond Street

Steamship Great Eastern, lying at the dock foot of Hammond-Street, New-York

The Great Eastern steamship

Great Eastern

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. The Japanese with the treaty

[Procession of Japanese embassy officials along Broadway, during visit to New York City, 1860]

Japanese procession through Broadway, New York

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. The Japanese from behind the treaty box and Tommy

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. The Japanese from behind the treaty box and Tommy

Reception of the Japanese Embassy at the Battery

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. View down Broadway

1st Japanese Embassy arrives in New York, June 16, 1860

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. Broadway looking down

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. Broadway looking up

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, with Mayor Howard of Portland on his left; and in front, Lord Lyons with the Duke of Newcastle on his left; photographed just prior to departure on board his fleet, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860

Reception of the Prince of Wales at the Battery, New-York

Interior of the Prince of Wales' cabin on board the Hero. It is fitted and furnished plainly but comfortably; on the table may be seen a small bust of his mother

Prince of Wales' dining room on board the Hero. On the left may be seen a book-case made from the wood of the Victory (Nelson's ship,) built 1767; above it hangs a picture of Lord Nelson

Instantaneous. H.M. Ship Hero (the Prince's) firing a salute

[Instantaneous view of the Prince of Wales' ship Hero firing a salute, Portland, Maine]

Embarkation of the Prince of Wales on board the Hero, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860, the yards being manned, and a royal salute fired as he steps on board

Prince of Wales at Portland [Maine]

View on Broadway and Trinity Church

Reception of the Japanese Embassy, New-York, June 16, 1860. Procession advancing

N.Y. Harbor

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, with Mayor Howard of Portland on his left; and in front, Lord Lyons with the Duke of Newcastle on his left; photographed just prior to departure on board his fleet, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860