Brooklyn Bridge - the most gigantic of suspension bridges, New York, U.S.A.

Brooklyn Bridge N.Y. from East River.

New York City from Brooklyn Bridge, showing the great skyscrapers - U.S.A.

New York City from Brooklyn Bridge

New York City from Brooklyn Bridge

The great city - New York, U.S.A.

The great city - New York, U.S.A.

From Brooklyn Bridge west - great sky-scrapers, financial district of the new world's metropolis, New York City

From Brooklyn Bridge west - great sky-scrapers, financial district of the new world's metropolis, New York City

From Brooklyn Bridge w. to famous skyscrapers of lower New York

Lower New York City as seen through cables of Brookyln Bridge, N.Y.

Where a step backward would mean eternity - working on a skyscraper, New York, U.S.A.

First landing place of the Dutch in America - the aquarium and Whitehall building in the foreground, New York City

View of N.Y. from North River

New York from bay

South and Staten Island and ferry, N.Y.

View of New York from bay

New York from Cortlandt Street ferry

Panorama from lower New York, the financial centre of America, from Brooklyn

View of New York from bay

New York skyline from the west. American Surety, trinity church, Manhattan life, Empire Standard Oil and Bowling Green buildings

New York from Brooklyn Bridge. Tallest building is 60 Wall Street

Dedication of Gen. Grant's tomb, Riverside, New York, U.S.A.

Grant's tomb, Riverside Drive, New York City

Grant's tomb, Hudson River, New York City

Tomb of Gen. Grant, Riverside Drive, New York City

The Columbus Monument, entrance to Central Park, New York, U.S.A.

Some of New York's great sky-scrapers, from a steamer in the North River

Towering temples of trade crowding lower Manhattan, N. from N.Y. harbor

New York looking across the Hudson River from Hoboken, U.S.A.