General view from the top of the new post office, looking west.

General view from the top of the new post office, looking west.

View of ruins.

General view from the top of the new post office, looking west.

View of the ruins on Milk St.

View of the ruins on Milk St.

View of the ruins on Milk St.

View of the ruins on Summer St.

View of the ruins on Summer St.

View of the ruins on Pearl St.

View of the ruins on Pearl St.

View of the ruins on Franklin St.

View of the ruins on Franklin St.

View of the ruins on Devonshire Street.

Ruins of Kingston St.

Ruins of Kingston St.

Ruins of Winthrop Square.

Ruins of Winthrop Square.

Ruins of Winthrop Square.

Ruins of Week's and Potters, Wash'n St.

View of rubble from the fire.

Ruins of Shreve, Crump, and Low's, Washington St.

Ruins of Trinity Church, Summer St.

Corner of Summer and Broad Sts.

View from Franklin Street, looking northeast.

New Post Office from Devonshire St.

Washington Street, northwest, northern limit of the fire.

Washington Street, northwest, northern limit of the fire.

View from Washington Street, looking east.

State House.