Interior of coliseum.

View of audience filling the coliseum.

View of audience filling the coliseum.

Sudbury River Conduit, B.W.W., div. 4, Nov. 13, 1876. View inside of engineer's office at Newton Upper Falls, Mass.

View of engineers on the project at work in their office.

View of engineers on the project at work in their office.

Oil room at Boston light from tower.

The U.S. Navy Yard, Charlestown, Mass.

Unidentified view of ruins from the Summer Street fire, Boston, Nov. 9 and 10, 1872.

The cradle of liberty, interior, Faneuil Hall, Boston--scene of epoch-making meetings of two centuries.

The cradle of liberty, Faneuil Hall, scene of historic assemblies, Boston, Mass.

The cradle of liberty, interior, Faneuil Hall, Boston--scene of epoch-making meetings of two centuries.

Quincy Market.

Interior, Faneuil Hall.

Interior, Faneuil Hall.

Faneuil Hall.

Fair at Faneuil Hall, Boston.

Main hall of the new passenger station, B. & P. R. road.

New Masonic Temple.

Masonic Temple, Boston.

Egyptian hall, Masonic Temple, Boston.

Interior showing wares.

Interior showing wares.

Interior showing wares.

Interior view showing flower arrangements.

Fighting gladiator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

In picture gallery, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

In picture gallery, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Tell the glad story again," Christian Endeavor, Boston '95.

Group of men around a table at M.I.T.