Boat House, Profile Lake.

Boat House, Profile Lake.

Boat House, Profile Lake.

Boat House, Profile Lake.

Boat House, Profile Lake.

Boat House, Profile Lake.

Boat House, Profile Lake.

Echo Lake & Steamboat.

Echo Lake and Steamboat, Franconia Notch, N.H.

Echo Lake.

Eagle Cliff & Echo Lake, White Mountains.

View from Echo Lake.

The Pool, White Mountains, N.H.

The Pool, White Mountains, N.H.

The Pool, White Mountains, N.H.

Echo Lake.

Arctic Philosopher in the Pool, Franconia Notch, N.H.

Prof. John Merrill and Wife in the Pool, Franconia Notch, N.H.

Arctic Philosopher and Wife in the Pool, Franconia Mts., N.H.

Prof. John Merrill and Wife in the Pool, Franconia Notch, N.H.

Prof. John Merrill and wife in the Pool.

The Pool, Franconia Notch, N.H.

The Pool, Franconia Notch, N.H.

Echo Lake and Franconia Notch, White Mountains.

The Pool, Franconia Mts., N.H.

Arctic Philosopher and Wife in the Pool, Franconia Mts., N.H.

Artic Philosopher and Wife in the Pool, Franconia Mts., N.H.

Arctic Philosopher and Wife in the Pool, Franconia Mts., N.H.

Echo Lake.

Rear House, Profile Lake.