Interior of Fort Moultrie, Sullivan's Island

Interior of Fort Moultrie, Moultrieville in the distance

Interior of Fort Moultrie, Battery B. and group of palmetto trees in distance

Sally-port of Fort Moultrie

One reason why we did not go to Richmond

A Block House

A Block House

Powder magazine on the lines

Intrenchment at (?) Relay House, B & O R.R., Mass. Regiment(?)

How Sherman fixed the railroad so the "Johnnies" could not use it. Sherman's march to the sea

The Union Line before Petersburg, Va., during the long siege. This gives a good idea of our Line, which was miles in length, and was thoroughly occupied

Weird [i.e. Wiard] steel cannon, Washington Arsenal

Fort Moultrie Sallyport and ruins of the fort from the interior

View from the parapet of Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor (i.e. Sullivan's Island), S.C., looking N.E.

View of Fort McAlister (i.e. McAllister), Ga., looking up the Ogechee (i.e. Ogeechee) River

The siege of Yorktown, Va.

Union fortifications, Yorktown, Va.

Confederate fortifications, Yorktown, Va.

Our boys in the trenches

Fifteen-inch gun in Battery Rodgers on the Potomac

English Armstrong gun in Fort Fisher, N.C.

English Armstrong gun in Fort Fisher, N.C.

The Sally-port and draw-bridge

One reason why we did not go to Richmond

Gen. Sherman's head quarters, Savannah, Ga.

In Trossel's barnyard, Gettysburg

Where one of Grant's messengers called

On the lines near Atlanta

War views. No. 1997, Ruins of P.M. Gen'l M. Blair's residence, MD

View of the outer trenches on the last day of the battle in front of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864, showing the ground where the most desperate charges were made