Cathedral Avenue, [North Conway, N.H.]

Mount Chocorua, North Conway.

Lake Scene.

On the Road to Artist's Falls.

Diana's Baths, North Conway, N.H.

Echo Lake.

Group portrait, Nashua, N.H.

View of a man and woman standing in a street corner, Nashua.

County Records Building, Nashua, N.H.

Ledge, East side.

Cave near Top.

The Fortification.


Grant's Peak.

Grant's Peak.

On the Tip Top.

Dublin Pond, No. 2.

'A fellow feeling makes us wonderous kind.'


Fairy's Arch Way.

On the Tip Top.

On the Tip Top.

On the Tip Top.

On the Tip Top.

On the Tip Top.

Giant's cleft.

Giant's Cleft.

Rift of the Rocks.

Resting among the rocks.

Pathway scene near the Summit.