Looking over the "Whirlpool" and down the river, from Canadian side, Niagara, U.S.A.

The whirlpool rapids below the falls, Niagara River, U.S.A.

Looking at the tumbling, foaming waters, below the falls, Niagara, U.S.A.

Dixon crossing Niagara below the Great Cantilever Bridge, U.S.A.

Autumn beauties along Niagara's precipitous banks, looking up toward the falls, U.S.A.

Tireless Niagara - Horseshoe Falls, from above, U.S.A.

American falls from the Canadian side, Niagara, U.S.A.

An old Niagara guide, looking into the awe-inspiring Cave of the Winds, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.

American falls and "Rock of Ages," Niagara, U.S.A.

Marble whiteness of the seething waters - American and Luna Falls, and River from Goat Island, Niagara, U.S.A.

Nature's everlasting smile, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.

Niagara and its great cloud of rising spray, from the distant tower, U.S.A.

Majestically grand - the falls, from the "Maid of the Mist," Niagara, U.S.A.

Maid of the Mist" - nymph of the mighty cataract, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.

Majestic Niagara, rolling in ceaseless roar - American falls from below, U.S.A.

Looking down over the high precipitous bluff of Prospect Point, Niagara, U.S.A.

Admiring tourists viewing the falls, from Prospect Point, Niagara, U.S.A.

General view of the falls from the new steel bridge. "Maid of the Mist" at landing, Niagara, U.S.A.

Winter Terrapin Tower.

Horse Shoe Falls from Bidwell Stair Case.

American Falls from Hog Back.

Ferry and Bridal Vale

Victory Point from below.

Ice Bridge.

Mirror Lake and Ice Bridge.

Down the River.

Under Table Rock.

Ice Grove with Bear.

Winter from Table-Rock House.

American Falls.