Pontoon boat ready for the march. Hundreds of these boats and timbers kept along with our army

Where prisoners were exchanged

Waiting for a load of exchanged prisoners at Aiken's Landing, James River, March, 1865

Army wagon going to commissary depot, City Point, for supplies

Captured rifled steel breach-loading Whitworth Gun, Richmond, Va.

View of James River pontoon bridge, from south side, above Jones' Landing

Pontoon across the Appomattox River, Va., Broadway Landing

Gen. Ingalls, 4th New-York Artillery, loading a cannon

Embarkation for White House, from Yorktown, Va.

General hospital wharf. Army of the Potomac, City Point, Va.

Wagon train crossing the Rappahannock River

First wagon train entering Petersburg

First wagon train entering Petersburg

Railroad battery before Petersburg

Railroad battery before Petersburg

Fort Sumter (i.e. Sumner), near Fair Oaks, June 1862. A sharp fight occurred at this place within five minutes after this photograph was made. Cannoneers are hurrying to the guns as alarm is sounding

Artillery captured from the rebels

Artillery captured from the rebels

Group, Major Robertson and friends

Fort Sumner on the Chickahominy, Va.

Captured siege guns, at Rocketts, Richmond, Va.

Park of captured guns at Rocketts, Richmond, Va.

Independent Pennsylvania Battery "E", (Knap's Battery)

Independent Pennsylvania Battery "E" (Knapp's Battery)

A Confederate redoubt

A Confederate redoubt

Sling cart for moving heavy cannon

Sling-cart for moving heavy cannon

A group of "contrabands"

A Negro family coming into the Union lines