South Water Street.

Post Office.

Interior of St. Paul's Church.

Palmer House.

Court House.

From Michigan Avenue Hotel.

From Michigan Avenue Hotel.

From Michigan Avenue Hotel north-west.

Illinois Central Land Office.

St. James Church.

Wood's Museum.

Col[onel] Wood's Museum.

From Tribune Building looking N.W.

Lake-Side Publishing Co., corner Clark & Adams Streets.

G.B. Bryan's Safe Depository.

Union Depot.

Union Depot.

M.S. & R.J. [?] Depot.

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail Road office.

Water works.

Tribune Building.

S.W. from Congress Street.

NE corner State & Madison Sts.

LaSalle Street south from Washington Street.

Dearborn north from Jackson Street.

American Express Office.

American Express Office, cor. Dearborn & Lake Sts.

Merchants Insurance Building.

Palmer House.

Sherman House.