Monroe Co. Poor House.

Mt. Hope, looking East from Observatory.

Mt. Hope. - Valley R.R. Bridge.

Dining Room. 1st Division.

Athenæum Library.

Genesee High Falls.

Genesee High Falls.

Powers' Building.

Genesee High Falls and R.R. Bridge.

Vincent Place Bridge.

Christ Church.

Central Church.

New York State Arsenal.

National Hotel.

Rochester Savings Bank.

Rochester Savings Bank.

City Hospital.

The University of Rochester.

View toward Mt. Hope Cemetery, from Tower.

View from Tower - East Main Street.

Powers' Building. View from Tower - River & Lake.

Northeast from Tower.

Powers' Building. Interior Grand Staircase.

Powers' Building. Interior Grand Staircase.

Powers' Building. Interior Grand Staircase.

View of the sail boat, from the balcony.

View from Oak Avenue.

Residence of C.W. Woodward, Sophie Street.

East Main Street, from Four Corners, Rochester, N.Y.

Lower and Middle Falls, Rochester, N.Y.