Crystal Falls, Bear Canon on the Pike's Peak Trail.

5th cascade, Bear Canon [Canyon], on the U.S. Signal Trail to Pike's Peak.

Summit of Pike's Peak. The crater.

Perpetual Snow, summit of Pike's Peak, 14,336 feet above sea level.

Laguna Alta. 10,175 feet above sea level, on the U.S. Signal Trail to Pike's Peak.

Laguna Alta. 10,175 feet above sea level, on the U.S. Signal Trail to Pike's Peak.

U.S. Signal station, and observatory.

Summit of Pike's Peak. Abyss of Desolation.

Summit of Pike's Peak. The crater.

Above the clouds, summit of Pike's Peak, July 1, 1876.

Summit of Pike's Peak. Perpetual Snow.

Split rock on the Pike's Peak Trail.

Pike's Peak, 14,336 feet high, from Pike's Peak Avenue, Colorado Springs.

Returning from the summit, Pikes Peak.

The crater.

Abyss of Desolation, looking north.

Abyss of Desolation and Perpetual Snow.

Perpetual Snow.

U.S. Signal station, elevation 14,216 feet.

Little Minne Ha Ha falls.

The Oreades Bath.

Pikes Peak and Fountain Creek.

U.S. Signal station, elevation 14,216 feet.

Pikes Peak from Thornton Heights, Manitou Park.

Pikes Peak from Manitou Park.

The cascade, Pikes Peak Trail.

The old hotel on first government trail up Pikes Peak.

Pikes Peak from the Halfway House in the old trail.

The grave of Erin O'Keef, [daughter of Srgt. John O'Keef].

The grave of Erin O'Keef, [daughter of Srgt. John O'Keef].