The surging sea of humanity at the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

The surging sea of humanity at the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

The surging sea of humanity at the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

The surging sea of humanity at the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

The surging sea of humanity at the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

The surging sea of humanity at the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

From every land they come to the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

The surging sea of humanity at the opening of the Columbian Exposition.

The lagoon and islands. World's Fair.

Esquimaux sledge and dog team. World's Fair.

Esquimaux and their summer home. World's Fair.

Dedication of the Japanese building. World's Fair.

Agricultural building. World's Fair.

Administration and Machinery buildings. World's Fair.

Fragment of group for Agricultural building. World's Columbian Exposition.

The Machinery building. Covers over 30 acres. World's Fair, Chicago, Ill.

Administration buildings, World's Fair, Chicago, Ill.

Administration and Electricity buildings, World's Fair, Chicago, Ill.

Inter-state Industrial Exposition, 1874. [Exterior view.]

View of the Inter-state Industrial Exposition, 1874. (Interior)

Ferris Wheel, side view.

View of a gorilla at unidentified Chicago exposition.

Railroad steam locomotive.

The Art Institute, a noble and imposing structure. Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

Folk dancing hour in the Belgian village. A century of Progress. Chicago, 1933.

Skeleton of Caribou deer and hippopotamus. Field's Columbian Museum, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

An Eastern Turn out, Field's Columbian Museum, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

World's Fair. Lagoon, looking north, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

Fountain and Agricultural Hall, World's Fair, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

Fountain and Agricultural Hall, World's Fair, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.