The President's House

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: White House, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The President's House.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Photographer: Totherick, E.
Subjects: White House, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The President's House

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: White House, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The President's House.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: White House, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

Speaker's Room, House of Representatives.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
No.: 12
Subjects: Speaker's Room, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Pennsylvania Avenue and Capitol.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Bird's Eye view, Agriculture, Smithsonian, and Capitol.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
No.: 86
Subjects: Smithsonian, Agriculture Department, Washington D.C., U.S. Capitol
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The Aqueduct Bridge.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
No.: 68
Subjects: Aquesduct Bridge, Bridge, Boat, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The U.S. Patent Office.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Photographer: Totherick, E.
Subjects: U.S. Patent Office, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Chamber House of Representatives.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
No.: 7
Subjects: House of Representatives, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The Agriculture Department.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Photographer: Totherick, E.
Subjects: Agriculture Department, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The U.S. Capitol.

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Publisher: Jarvis, John Fillis
Subjects: U.S. Treasury, Washington D.C.
Subject: U.S. Treasury
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The Soldiers Home. in the District of Columbia

Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Trolley, Horse, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

U.S. Capitol.

Publisher: Bell & Bro.
Photographer: Bell & Bro. (Washington, D.C.)
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Penna. Avenne and U.S. Capitol.

Publisher: Bell & Bro.
Photographer: Bell & Bro. (Washington, D.C.)
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, Winter, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Broadway, looking north from the Foot Bridge.

Broadway and Post-Office, New York

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
No.: 3167
Subjects: Post Office, NYC, Broadway
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The Late President McKinley and His Cabinet, Washington, D.C.

No.: 3087
Subjects: President, Washington D.C., McKinley
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon.

The old chief's camp.

Little "War Eagle". The pride of the tribe.

After the chase. The unlucky captive.

Preparing for an attack.

American Falls no. 13.

Niagara Falls.

Suspension bridge no. 63.

Horseshoe Falls no. 1.