Gun boat "Boston," Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Gun boat "Boston," Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Scene in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Receiving ship, Brooklyn Navy Yard.

America steamer, Brooklyn.

View from the ferry house, Brooklyn, N.Y.

View from the ferry house, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Wall Street Ferry, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Governor's Island, from Brooklyn, N.Y.

Fulton Ferry, N.Y., from Brooklyn.

View at Atlantic Basin, Brooklyn.

Receiving ship "Vermont."

Sectional view, U.D. Dry Dock.

Sectional view, U.D. Dry Dock.

Sectional view, U.D. Dry Dock.

Shell pyramids.

Shot and shell pyramids.

Monument to the Officers and Marines who fell at the Barrier Forts Canton R. China, 1865.

Looking down from the entrance.

Foot of Montague Street, Brooklyn, Governor's Island in distance.

Brooklyn ferry boat.

Ferry boat running to Atlantic Street, Brooklyn.

The East River from the Grand Street Ferry, Brooklyn, E.D.

New York from Brooklyn Heights.

New York from Brooklyn Heights.

New York from Brooklyn Heights.

Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Deck of ship "Tennessee", Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Ship house & torpedo boat.

Boilers & iron-clad shop [ship?].