Sunday school picnic in rural districts

President Roosevelt's western tour - an audience of school children, Salina, Kansas

School children greeting the nation's chief - President Roosevelt's visit to Asheville, N.C.

School recreation

School recreations

[School recreation]

Lambs for the fold--Branch school of the American Mission, Assiout, Egypt

Music school, Syria

Calesthenics at Miss Arnot's Mission, Jaffa, Palestine

A native school, Palestine

Group of Arab school children of Jenin, Palestine

Children at the Christian Mission School of Nablus, Palestine

School house at Foster.

School-house Newport N. Y..

School at Red Bank, N.J. No. 90.

Stanton Institute, Jacksonville, Fla.

Stanton Institute, Jacksonville, Fla.

Stanton Institute for Colored Children.