Devasted in moment, New Richmond, Wis., June 12, 1899.

President Roosevelt and party on the ruins of the old spanish fort at Dorchester, near Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt and party on the ruins of the old Spanish fort at Dorchester, near Charleston, S.C.

War views. No. 1997, Ruins of P.M. Gen'l M. Blair's residence, MD

What was left of the north-east corner of the public square

Classic ruins of the Bank of Chambersburgh

The Citadel and the Southern Military Academy, Charleston, S.C., the remains of the concrete wall built in the time of the Revolution, and 600 pound Blakely Solid Shot in the foreground

Ruins of Circular Church and Secession Hall

Ruins of Circular Church & Secession Hall

Ruins of Cathedrals St. John & St. Finabar [i.e. Finbar], Charleston

Ruins of Cathedral St. John & St. Finibar [i.e. Finbar], Charleston

Ruins of Cathedral St. John & St. Finibar [i.e. Finbar], Charleston

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

Ruins of Fort Putnam, West Point

Mount Grappa and ruins of Quero, on the Italian battle front

Maison Blanc, headquarters of the marine brigade, near Belleau Wood

Wrecked building in Amiens, France

Crusaders' Chapel in the Citadel, Hunin, Palestine

California St., to Fairmount Hotel, great Merchant's Exchange on left, San Francisco disaster, U.S.A.

Kearney St. and Hall of Justice after the great disaster, San Francisco, U.S.A.

City Hall after the earthquake, showing the shattered foundations, San Francisco, Cal.

The church at Guadalupe - destroyed by fire - the scene of hard fighting, Philippine Islands

The great Baltimore fire - on North St. looking S.W. of B.&O. office bldgs., Balto., Md.

Galveston disaster - Lucas Terrace where fifty lives were lost, looking west

Ruins old Spanish fort and Martyr Tree.

Ruins old Spanish fort preserved by the Martyr Tree.

Devasted in moment, New Richmond, Wis., June 12, 1899.

Suspension Bridge.

Press House.