Away from the cares of state - President Roosevelt ready to enter Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt's western tour - stop at Winona, Minn.

President Roosevelt at Abilene, Kansas - looking from the stand toward the train

One of the hundreds of brief stops on President Roosevelt's long western [...]

President Roosevelt speaking from his train at Colorado Springs, Col.

President Roosevelt speaking from his train at Colorado Springs, Col.

Roosevelt making one of his characteristic ten minute speeches at North Platte, Neb.

Pres. Roosevelt addressing a typical Western crowd from the rear of his private car, Presidential Tour, 1905

President Roosevelt speaking from his train at North Platte, Neb., U.S.A., April 1905

Wounded at Savage Station, Virginia

Savage Station, Va., June 27, 1862

Savage Station, Va., June 27, 1862

German ammunition depot, after visit of French airmen, Alincourt, Ardennes, France

Third class carriage, Sultan's Railway, Syria

Mountain pass, Ralston, Penna.

Construction train, west of Hays City, Kansas.

Group of Pawnee warrs. [warriors] & palace cars of U.P.R.R.

Ph. Best & Co's South side Brewery.

Galveston: view from Lufkin's Wharf, southeast.

Freight Depot, Columbus.

View in Jack’s Narrows.

View in Jack’s Narrows.

P. R. R. yard, Altoona, from 12th St. Bridge, east.

Views up No. 13 plane at Hawley.

Along the Noted Bowery, New York, U.S.A.

West Street, New York.

The Bowery, New York City, U.S.A.

Looking up the Hudson River from [Bluff Park]

Marquette Harbor showing ore cars on pier.

Wooden bridge leading to mill.