President Roosevelt satisfying a ranchman's appetite at a barbeque, Bismarck, N.D.

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot?" - Pres. Roosevelt and his friends in Town Hall, Medora, N.D.

President Roosevelt at Mandan, North Dakota

The Rev. Paul Mazakute

[Elderly Native American woman]

Sioux Indians. Two fine types of a dying race.

Group Siouxs.

Red Dog Sioux Chief.

Four Indian men in a boat on Ponca creek.

Extensive rack, full of buffalo meat.

Pressing buffalo hides, Cheyanne camp.

Missions at the Santee Agnecy.

Indians sitting in large circles during the issuing of annuities at Ft. Berthold.

Portrait of a young man in European dress.

Portrait of a young man in European dress.

Portrait of a young man in European dress.

Portrait of an old woman.

Portrait of two young women and one young man, animal skin used as backdrop.

Group of Indians and "Red River carts".

Santee Agency.

Interior of the Chapel of the mission of our Most Merciful Savior at the Santee Agency.

Chapel of the mission of our Most Merciful Savior at the Santee Agency.

Church and mission house.

Permanent camp in Custer Valley.

Our wagon master.

Granite Knob and Harney's Peak.

Permanent camp in Agnes Park.

Spectre Canon [Canyon].

Agnes Park.

Genevieve Park.