Up Broadway from Metropolitan Hotel.
Elevated R.R. on the Bowery. New York.
View looking down the East River, from foot of 53d St., New York.
Old Stone Mill, Newport, R.I.
Echo Lake House, Franconia Notch, N.H.
Suspended Boulder, Flume, Franconia Notch, N.H.
Steamer Ida, Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, N.H.
Boulder at Flume, Franconia Notch, N.H.
Suspended Boulder, Flume, Franconia Notch, N.H.
Profile Lake, Franconia Notch.
Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, N.H.
The Franconia notch, from the Profile house.
The philosopher of the Pool and his wife, Franconia Notch, N.H.
Bridge to Sister Island. [First Sister Island.]
Glen House and Carter Range.
Crystal Cascade.
View from the Profile House, Franconia, N.H.
Giant hippopotamus in the "zoo", Central Park, New York
Terwilliger House, Ellenville, N.Y.
Main view of Suspension Bridge.
The faithful ship of the desert, a camel in the Central Park "zoo", New York
Mt. Webster.
Franconia Mts. from Sugar Hill
Photographing New York City - on a slender support 18 stories above pavement of Fifth Avenue[man with a camera].
Funeral of President Lincoln, N.Y. City, 7th Regiment passing in view.
Congress Spring.
Prospect House.
Artists Grotto, Palensville.
Looking down the stream, from Palensville Bridge.