The Admiral's welcome to the Nation's Capitol -- Dewey celebration, Washington, D.C.

Naval cadets passing the Treasury Building, inaugural parade, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Third battalion of field artillery from Ft. Meyer [i.e. Fort Myer], Va., in inaugural parade on Penna. Ave., Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

The Ninth Cavalry of Colored Troops, heroes of San Juan, inaugural parade, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Porto Rican and Filipino troops in inaugural parade, Penna. Ave., Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

West Point cadets on plaza before House wing of the Capitol, prior to the inauguration ceremonies, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Our future admirals in imposing procession - Annapolis Naval cadets on Pennsylvania Ave., inaugural parade, Washington, D.C.

First division of inaugural parade headed by West Point cadets as it formed on Penna. Ave., Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Field battery and troop sections of West Point Cadet Corps in inaugural parade, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

West Point cadets in parade before inaugural stand, East Capitol Plaza, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

The pride of the nation - West Point cadets in martial array before the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Inaugural parade on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Annapolis midshipmen in parade, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

West Point cadets passing reviewing stand, Inauguration Day, Washington, D.C.

Porto Rican troops passing through the Court of Honor, Roosevelt inaguration parade

Our fellow Americans from the isles of the sea - Porto Rico Battalion, inaugural parade, Washington, D.C.

Inauguration of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1905. The inaugural parade. Military Academy Corps

Inauguration of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1905. Review of the Grand Army by Generals Howard and Chaffee

Inauguration of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1905. The Inaugural parade. U.S. Naval Academy Corps

West Point cadets in parade, inauguration of President Roosevelt, March 4th, 1905

West Point cadets passing in review before the President. Inauguration of President Roosevelt, Washington

The Richmond (Va.) Blues, the oldest military organization in the U.S., inaugural parade, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

Governor Pennypacker and staff at head of Pennsylvania troops, inaugural parade, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

U.S. Marines passing up Penna. Avenue, inaugural parade, inauguration of President Roosevelt, Washington, D.C.

Admiral Dewey and officers of the Navy, in line at President Roosevelt's New Year reception, 1902, White House, Washington

Captain Gillespie and officers of flagship Philadelphia, Charleston Harbor, S.C.

Admiral Dahlgren and staff on the "Pawnee"

"Hard Tack"

"Hard Tack"

Crew of Monitor, Hampton Roads, Va. 1862