Camp meeting house.

Bunker Hill Monument, Boston, Mass.

Putnam Machine Company's shop, interior view.

View in Main St. showing wreck of house.

State St., the financial centre, and the old State House, Boston

Putnam Machine Company's shop, interior view.

Hunnewell's Gardens.

iew of a residence(?) at Wellesley College.

View of Wellesley College campus.

View of an interior courtyard and archways at Wellesley College.

The real dream.

The Wellesley College from Hunnewell's Italian Gardens, Mass.

Putnam Machine Company's shop, interior view.

Mt. Auburn cemetery--burial place of Longfellow, Cambridge, Mass.

Old South Church, Boston, Mass.

Scene in Public Gardens, Boston, Mass.

The Public Gardens, statue of Washington, and fountain "Venus rising from the sea," Boston, Mass.

Washington St., and the Old South Meeting House, Boston

State St., the financial centre, and the old State House, Boston

World's Peace Jubilee, 1872 -- Boston Coliseum

Coliseum - interior

Thacher's Island lights--north tower

Thacher's Island lights--south tower

Bridge at Pawtucket Road, R.I.

Upper Falls and Slater Mills.

View from Exchange St. Bridge.

View from Division St. Bridge.

Pawtucket Bridge, R.I.

Pawtucket Bridge, R.I.

The Old Wood Bridge - Central Falls, Pawtucket, R.I.