The "lotus-flower," a typical game played by Japanese children during cherry-bloom festival, Tokyo, Jaban [i.e., Japan]
The Whist party
Hunt the slipper
Hunt the slipper
The Whist party
The Whist party
Turkish residents of Nazareth playing checkers and smoking narghiles
"Till at last he put down a right bower, which the same Nye had dealt unto me"
Apache Indians at a game of cards.
Winnebagoes playing Mocassin, Wisconsin.
Group playing game.
Residence of Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe, with Family Group.
Residence of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Florida.
Florida res., Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.
Mrs. H. B. Stowe's House, Fla. Mandarin.
Florida res., Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.