Grave of J. Fenimore Cooper.

Women attending to a child in touring car.

Passenger waiting in touring car.

Family in touring car.

Women in a touring car.

John Brown's Grave, [obverse] of headstone.

John Brown's Grave, North Elba.

John Brown's Grave.

John Brown's Grave at North Elba, N.Y.

John Brown's Grave at North Elba, N.Y.

John Brown's Grave at North Elba, N.Y.

Aaron Burr's Monument.

Tis the city of the dead, St. Louis, Mo, U. S. A..

Experts testing engines in an automoblie plant.

Captain Malcolm's grave.

Boston, U.S. custom house.

Custom house.

The custom house.

Custom house, Boston.

View of E. Camfill & Sons Monumental Works, with workers in front.

Custom house.

The stone pile that marks the grave of the Gardner family, massacared in 1857 and the cabin in the background.

Marshal Joffre, [Ex-Premier] Viviani, [Admiral] Chocheprat and [Lieut. Col.] Jean Fabry - French War Commission - with Gov. Lowden and State officials at tomb of Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois. [May 7, 1917]

John P. Manny Monument, Rockford, Ill.?

John P. Manny Monument, Rockford, Ill.

Bonaventure Cemetery.

Bonaventure: Gen. Clinch's tomb.

Bonaventure: Gen. Clinch's tomb.

View in old cemetery.

View in old cemetery.