Outside view, Fort Sumter

Northwestern Depot, Charleston, S.C.

View on Meeting St., Charleston, S.C.

Graveyard, Circular Church, Charleston, S.C.

Union prisoners burying ground, Charleston, S.C.

Vendue Range, Charleston, S.C.

Churchyard, Circular Church, Meeting St., Charleston, S.C.

Calhoun's grave, Charleston, S.C., St. Philip's Churchyard

Calhoun's grave, St. Philip's Ch'yard, Charleston, S.C.

[Young African American man reading at library table as white policemen stand nearby]

[Elderly Native American woman]

The Rev. Paul Mazakute

The Rev. Christian Taopi

The Filipino Americanized-constabulary soldiers, Manila, Philippine Islands

Lemons coming from washer being hand graded according to color. Lamanda Park, Calif.

Hand grading of lemons into trays according to quality, preparatory to packing. Lamanda Park, Calif.

Packing lemons for shipment; being sized by hand instead of by machine. Lamanda Park, Calif.

Cuban "pickaninnies" - children of reconcentrados

The gallant 14th U.S. Infantry leaving Peking--escorted to city limits by Gen. Chaffee and staff, China

Y.M.C.A. rooms for soldiers of the allied armies--formerly a notorious dive--on the busiest street of Peking, China

Stitching of tops of collars after turning, Troy, N.Y.

Folding and ironing linen collars, Troy, N.Y.

Spoolers where the yarn is wound from bobbins onto spools, White Oak Cotton Mills, Greensboro, N.C., U.S.C.

View down the Kanyon, early Morning

The Dump of the Emma Mine

General View of the Emma Mine

Looking down the Kanyon, from near the Emma Mine

Bear River Bridge Hotel Looking South. Northern Spur of Wahsatch Mountains in the Distance.

The Unknown River Roaring out of the Banks of Snake River

Unknown River pouring out of banks of Snake River