Side gulch.

Cataract Cañon, side cañon.

Side gulch of Escalante River.

Water pocket in a glen.

View down a narrow gorge.

Reflected cliff.

Cañon wall, boats on bank of river.

The Gate of Lodore.

Low water.

Low water.

Looking up the river.

Head of the cañon.

Walls of lime stone.

The Spanish bayonet.

The Tower

Mary's Veil in Bullion Cañon.

Renshaw's Cascade, Bullion Cañon.

Pine Creek.

Upper falls, Bullion Cañon.

Kai-shu-imp toom-pu-wa (birch on the rock)

Pu-ni-wu-ni Tump (the watch tower).

The over-hanging wall.

Alcove wall.

Mouth of the Narrows (looking up).

View down the Cañon.

View down the Cañon.

Lower Pa-ro-gunt (largest cave lake).

Pa-vai-o-wits (lower lake in Lake Cañon).

Head, east fork [Rio Virgen].

The Grand Canyon from the North Rim.